Welcome to Obsidian Station. I am Obsidian.

I began writing and posting fan fiction in January 2004. After a decade, I started taking a real shot at trying to be professional author and wrote my series The Shadow Wars. I then went on to write other things and now, in my spare time, I still try to write some fan fiction. At some point, I intend to come back and write more original work that I can claim, but I’m not sure when that will be.

This website serves as a central hub for (mostly) my fan fiction. Basically, if I made it, you can find it here.

If you’re new, please check out my Who Goes There? section for the details, but in short, I write action-horror and tend to write for games like Halo and DOOM, but have been known to write for totally different fandoms like Recess, Gone Home, and The Thing (the 2002 video game).