Welcome to Obsidian Thirteen.

I write action/horror fan fiction.

In real life, I have been writing consistently for over 20 years now, though admittedly a lot of that was writing fan fictions. Eventually, I managed to write a 15-novel franchise called The Shadow Wars. If you’re curious, you can pick up the first novel right here. During the three years I spent writing that series, I stepped away from fan fiction almost entirely. But once it was wrapped up, I realized that I missed fan fiction tremendously.

I returned and wrote some stories in the time that followed, but I also began working on other writing projects, ones that pay the bills. I’m older now, heading towards my forties as I write this, and I’m tired, and I struggle with lifelong depression and anxiety that, even medicated, still hurts me more often than not. Unfortunately, a lot of my old ideas have abandoned me or faded to dust in the passing years.

I will still write fan fiction, almost certainly for the rest of my life, but I must admit to myself and to you now that, for the foreseeable future at least, it will be relegated to the background.

[Written December 30th, 2024.]