The Near & Far Horizon | January 2025

Oh boy. I fucked up.

So let me just rip the band-aid off right now and own to my mistake: I am going to be deleting everything I’ve written for Episode Four of The DOOM Chronicles, and I am very sorry. Also, to be clear, this does not mean that I’m abandoning The DOOM Chronicles. I just need to make a course correction.

My mind cannot be changed on this, and it was a terrible decision I was forced to make. One of two terrible decisions.

Here’s the second one: I am deleting my Half-Life stories. Also very sorry.

This is probably one of the biggest fuckups of my ‘career’, such as it is. If you have decided not to just throw up your hands and walk away from me because this was the last straw, then please keep reading and I will explain what happened.

A few different factors went into these decisions, but the part where I fucked up was twice over. In the beginning, I originally intended for there to be three protagonists for The DOOM Chronicles. Ultimately, I opted to axe the third, but went back on that decision. That was my first fuckup. The second was that I very much wanted to novelize The Callisto Protocol, but decided against it, and then decided to make Episode Four have the same energy The Callisto Protocol was going to have…and then I began novelizing The Callisto Protocol anyway. And now I’ve got two stories that have the same energy and atmosphere and I don’t even have enough time for one.

Those are my fuckups and I am sorry.

As for the rest, I would say the biggest driving factor behind this decision is that…I think I want to tell different stories now. I’m 36 now, and while I would have gladly, even gratefully continued to freak out over kickass action and horror games, books, and movies to the end of my days, that is not what happened. StarCraft - Survival showed me I wanted to do something different nowadays, something more character-driven. But also just a different vibe, a different universe. It’s hard to describe.

With regards specifically to Half-Life and why I have opted to just dismantle and abandon the series, and IP, completely, is because something hit me recently. I saw that there were supposedly credible rumors that Half-Life 3 was going to be announced in December, and…I wasn’t excited. I didn’t care. And I honestly kind of wanted to. But I didn’t. And I still don’t. Which told me that I’m done with the Half-Life universe. I’m really sorry if you were enjoying it. In truth, I wanted to finish it, but the cost was too great. That sounds dramatic, but I do have some kind of problem with focus and motivation. Trying to make myself write books I really don’t want to essentially fucks up my entire life until it’s done. It is self-perpetuating torment.

With this in mind, how about I go over what was going to happen? Scroll down to the bottom and I’ll give an outline of the broader points of what was going to happen in the series now that I’m not going to write it.

Okay, we’ve gotten that out of the way, much as I still feel guilty about it. How about we have ourselves a little State of Union?

I can’t say that I’m finished with fan fiction, and not merely out of a sense of responsibility. I still feel the urges, the yearning, especially for newer games. And a few older ones I never got around to. Here’s where I’m at with everything:

  • THE DOOM CHRONICLES: So what’s actually going to happen? Well, I’ll be taking down the chapters written from both FFNet and WattPad, add in an explanation for WTF happened, and then I think I’m going to just let it sit for a time. Maybe I’ll come back at the beginning of 2026 or maybe when the new DOOM comes out or maybe it’ll be random. But when I do come back, here’s what will happen: I will be picking up the narrative six months after the end of Episode Three, and it will be from Jack’s perspective. I’m not going to say anything else, because God alone knows what might change in my head between now and whenever I get back to it, but at least rest assured that I do still have a solid idea in mind for this series. Where it’s going, what’s left, and how it ends. Like, we will get there. Just with Jack and Kyra, much as I loved Eric.

  • STARCRAFT - SURVIVAL: This one is probably going to be my main for awhile. Like, man, this one slapped me in the face with inspiration once I finally got them off Mar Sara. To be honest, there’s still a LOT to go. I just really love this idea and I love these characters and I love the ideas yet to come. And I love StarCraft. Expect more of this.

  • THE CALLISTO PROTOCOL: I am going to be making an effort to continue with this one, since it’s technically the ‘easiest’, in that I can just sit down, play the video game, and write what comes to me. I got plans for this one. I’ve known what I’m going to do for this novelization and I know what I’m going to do for the sequel, and I’ve got a very rough idea of what I want to do for another sequel. After that? Dunno. But I feel good about this. Even if this IP was a flop, and we’ll never get another scrap of new story or lore ever again, I like what we got, and I like the ideas it gave me.

  • HALO: Time for the big question. I still technically have two loose ends and a lot of promised stories. Right now, here is what it’s looking like from my perspective. I still want to write at least three sequels to Gathering Darkness. I have three solid ideas for Kane. I feel the opposite about Greg and Izzy. They’re going to appear in future stories, but they won’t have their own stories anymore. I’m sorry if you were looking forward to that, but it’s just so much easier to write about Kane than it is Greg. I do intend to have another series staring a new protagonist (or, strictly speaking, old), and will take place during and then after the original Halo Trilogy. I want to have a big focus on Action/Horror, with an emphasis on horror. I don’t know how long it’s going to be, but even now, this idea still holds much appeal to me.

  • KOTOR: My last loose thread presently open. I still want to write KOTOR 3, and I still intend to. I doubt I’ll write anything else Star Wars related besides that. This being said, though, Seth will definitely be a part of my KOTOR 3. Nova, Seri, Yex, and Maya, too. No question.

  • WHAT ELSE?: That’s it. That’s everything I currently have. Which leaves the obvious question of, what else? I’m less certain than ever, but here’s a few things I can say.

    • FAR CRY PRIMAL: I fucking love this game and that love seems to be enduring. I began work on a fan fiction set in this game last year and I really like what I wrote and thought of. If I were going to select a new fan fic to do next, it would be this, no question.

    • STARFOX: I’ll do something for this eventually, I know I will. I know that I one idea FOR SURE I want to do, because I got permission to rewrite my most favorite StarFox fan fic of all time by the creator herself, and I am absolutely doing that.

    • RED FACTION: I’ll admit that this one still speaks to me. If I do a story, it’ll be about another miner during the original rebellion and his struggle for survival.

    • QUAKE 4: I don’t know why, genuinely, but this game still rattles around when I go shaking my ‘fan fic ideas’ can.

    • ORIGINAL FICTION: I still intend to write more fiction similar to The Shadow Wars. I’ve got some ideas tucked away still, and I’ll get to them at some point. It’s definitely going to be heavy on the Sci-Fi/Horror.

And that’s it.

Man, that’s not much. I’m probably missing something, but given what I had to do with The DOOM Chronicles, it’s probably a good thing. Now, if you want to talk about Half-Life…

Let’s do something I’ve never really done before: let’s spoil a series I was going to write. But hey, given what happened with Epistle Three, it feels appropriate.

I’m writing this with the assumption that you’ve read Bishop’s War and what was written of Bishop’s Lament. I’ll list the pertinent facts. I’ll be showing, shall we say, the most ambitious version.


    • Eric and friends would have made it to the coastal rebel site Alpha Labs and spent a time working with Radek and other Citizens completing a series of missions helping pave the way for the upcoming rebellion. This would also be done to prove himself to his superiors again, namely Lara’s father, as he left on less than reasonable terms. This would be the third part, GRUNT WORK.

    • The final part of this book would have been REVOLUTION RISING, in which Freeman disappears for a week and the revolution comes to City 17. Eric and the others would pretty much just have been running around in the chaos, attacking the Combine, rescuing the Citizens, cracking a few Headcrab shelling centers, a Combine HQ, and some other unique encounters. Ultimately it would have ended the same place HL2 ends.

    • Eric’s big secret of what happened to him that caused him to walk away from the Rebellion was that he had managed to very successfully infiltrate the Combine and get some crucial intel, but at the cost of getting promotions and being forced to commit atrocities against the Citizenry. Eric had also fallen in love with a fellow freedom fighter, Kira. These two facts ultimately culminated in Eric performing a raid on a Combine facility that had extremely crucial intelligence, getting the intel but then getting caught before escaping, and Eric being forced to convince those who caught them that he was in fact a double agent, due to just how crucial it was to get the intel. He was then forced to prove his loyalty to the Combine by executing everyone there with him, including Kira. Naturally, this fucked him up. This would have been revealed when Lara finally pushed him on a serious relationship and then they would have agreed to a relationship. It would be symbolic of Eric essentially stepping back from the ledge of suicide and having some hope again.


    • This would have picked up immediately after Bishop’s Lament. It would basically cover Eric’s, Lara’s, and Radek’s escape from City 17. It would have focused on them overcoming obstacles, fighting zombies and wildlife and Combine, and rescuing Citizens. Mostly it would have emphasized the rescues and getting people out of the City 17 to the White Forest.

    • There was to be a mission in a ‘power plant’ rescuing a bunch of Vortigaunts from the VortiCells, which are chambers the Combine use to forcefully and painfully use Vortigaunts as living batteries.

    • I was going to incorporate cut content in the form of weapons, locations, events, and hostiles.

    • There was one scene I know I was going to write. It would have been the climax, an escape through the canals on several hoverboats as the City came down around them and the Combine tried to kill them, as Eric would have on him that crucial piece of tech he helped get to Alpha Lab. There was definitely going to be a scene where they had to drive through a forest of Barnacles hanging from an overpass.


    • So this is where things diverge. This was going to feature a brand new protagonist named Greg Knight. He is a man in a desperate situation who agreed to be a research subject…for Aperture Science. Yes, basically, it was going to be Portal, with a different protagonist. I actually began writing this, originally named PORTALS, in 2008. Unfortunately, I ended up losing everything I’d written to an extremely rare glitch and gave up on it.

    • Greg would have found a malfunctioning turret at one point and, out of loneliness, would have rigged up something to carry it around on his back and talk to it.

    • He would also have eventually found another test subject, a woman, Jena, and romance would have ensued.

    • It kind of sounds stupid to type out, because (God I hope) it would have come out a lot better actually writing it, but I wanted to have him have a really antagonistic and vocal relationship with GLaDOS. And at one point he’d call out “Hey computer bitch, you still there?” To which she would have responded “Hey Greg, are you still dead?”, which would have planted a paranoid seed of doubt in his head that he might be comatose or in purgatory or something. Hopefully that doesn’t sound stupid.

    • This last part WILL sound stupid but that’s because it kind of was supposed to be. I remember from the game GLaDOS rattling off information about the portal gun, and she says to never get the gun wet, but gets cut off before explaining why. And it sounded like the consequences would be really bad or intense. So that gave me an idea that culminated in them being at basically a dead end, and deciding to throw the gun into water to see what happens. They do and it glitches and creates a portal that swallows them up and spits them out elsewhere, ending the story. So basically exactly the same ending as Portal 1.


    • Eric and crew get to White Forest. The primary focus of this narrative would have been twofold. It would have focused on Eric, Lara, and Radek teaming up with Sheckley and Griggs to hunt Advisors. The second would have been Greg getting spit out somewhere in the more abandoned parts of White Forest, him wandering around, looking for his lover, who did not get spit out in the same place as him, and fighting Combine.

    • I admittedly went back and forth on how to handle this one. At one point I was going to write a completely separate story featuring Sheckley & Griggs. The original version didn’t have Greg and focused more on the defense of White Forest. Mostly I waffled about Greg because I wanted his reveal to be stronger, and it comes in the next book.

  • OUTPOST 23

    • This one would have been a defense story. I got the idea from the part in Episode Two where you drive around looking for caches and come to that junkyard. I thought it’d be pretty cool to write a story about a small group of rebels tasked with coming to a similar type of place that had been converted into a rebel outpost and then lost in the chaos, and their task was to take it back.

    • The core plot I settled on was Eric, Lara, Radek, and a few others would be tasked with retaking Outpost 23, which is an important staging area in the war. However, as they begin bringing it back online, the Combine start trying to take it. And they get increasingly desperate, to the point where it becomes ridiculous. They eventually realize there’s something beneath the outpost the Combine is desperate to get at. The big reveal is that it’s Greg, who is trying to survive in a big underground mine, and they’re desperate to get him because he has something they’ve been looking for for a long time now: nanotechnology.

    • So I imagine that seems kind of random, but this was a plot point I’d decided on awhile ago. I asked myself, how do those medical boxes on the wall heal you in Half-Life? How does Chell heal after getting shot? The answer is nanotech. Black Mesa and Aperture Science both had very rudimentary forms of nanotech unlocked, and the nanotech Black Mesa utilized degraded to the point where there would exist no traces of it within like an hour. Aperture Science on the other hand had gotten a bit further, and the Combine had since learned about this. And they would be desperately seeking it, in both Greg and Jena.

    • It was also about this time that creatures from Race X (featured in Half-Life: Opposing Force) would begin appearing and fighting both the Combine and the Rebels.


    • About here is where it gets a lot less certain. See, the idea I had for this series at its core was: one game - one story. So Bishop’s War covered Half-Life 1, Bishop’s Lament was HL2, Pieces of Dystopia was HL2:E1, you get it. Obviously, this ran out after Episode Two. I always intended to take my cues from Episode Three and, possibly, HL3. But, clearly, that never manifested. So I didn’t think as much about this one as the others.

    • Originally, the concept was called Absolute Zero. Eric and his crew, now including Greg, would have flown out to somewhere in the frozen northern polar regions to find something very important to the war effort.

    • In its final incarnation, Terminus, the plot would have been: Eric and his crew, now including Greg, are finally brought into the fold of the endgame plan the Rebels have been cooking up for years now. Satellites. The satellite you launched in HL1 and HL2 would have factored into this. Essentially, there was secret research being run parallel to Black Mesa, anti-teleportation technology. My memory is bad now, but I think this was even spoken of in HL: Decay. The crucial piece of tech Eric protects in Bishop’s Lament was the last piece of tech they needed to finalize their weapon: an anti-teleportation satellite network. Essentially, it would encase the Earth in a field that would make it impossible for the Combine to teleport in, meaning they might actually get a shot at winning the war. Some specific highlights from this would have been:

      • Battling and then temporarily cutting a deal with Race X, as they are on Earth looking for something the Combine stole. They help them get it back, and Race X helps them with their own mission. It would have been really cool to write about working alongside these aliens.

      • A search and rescue operation for Adrian Shepard, and Adrian becoming a main character.

      • Gina and/or Colette from Decay would have featured in this story in some capacity.

      • Traveling the globe to repair and launch three key satellites needed to finish the network.

      • Greg looking for and finding Jena.

    • Ultimately, they would have launched the satellites, taken out some massive Combine HQ on Earth to throw them into disarray, celebrate, and then prepare to retake their world. Freeman and Alyx would be missing, but they were supposed to do that anyway.

It feels strange to type all this out. I’m sure I’m missing things, this is an idea I began seriously pondering in 2004. I am genuinely sorry to abandon it, but I need to stop pretending that I can finish this series. The love and the drive just aren’t there anymore. I’m hearing even more rumors that supposedly HL3 is in production at Valve. I imagine I will play it, for the sake of completion, but…maybe not. Maybe it’s been too long. Maybe they should have just made the motherfucking Episode Three and then HL3 and we’d be sitting pretty on Half-Life 5 right now. Obviously I’m still a little bitter, but not really that much anymore. In truth, I’m sure there were legitimate reasons to do what they did, and then not to do what they did. Even if I think they were not great reasons…I’m sure I could understand some of them.

In the end, I guess the last thing I’ll say is that I’m grateful to Valve and everyone who made the Half-Life games, the Portal games, Left 4 Dead, too, those were fun. I’m grateful I got to play those games and that they made me feel what they did.

Hopefully you can think something similar of me.