Surprise, surprise. June was kind of a clusterfuck.
A few shitty things happened, most of them I don’t really want to get into. I also began what is to be a long, drawn-out process of getting my teeth taken care of. They were way worse than I assumed. So that sucks. I’m also getting some medication stuff sorted out, and that’s fucking with my energy levels.
So, I managed to get four chapters of Nerves of Steele up this month. I feel bad about only doing four chapters, but I’m also trying not to rush it. Nerves of Steele feels different than almost any other fan fiction I’ve written. I’m trying to be a bit more deliberate with this one. It’s also turning out longer than I thought it would. What I’ve written and posted so far was initially supposed to be the first two chapters, but I don’t want monster mega chapters this time around. I want decently consistent, roughly 3,000 word chapters. And it also gives me room to breathe and articulate. So that’s going to keep on happening through July, ideally.
I finally restarted And There Was Another! I had intended to get more than a single chapter out before the end of the month, but an avalanche of stuff happened, so I couldn’t. The next chapter is very close to done and should be out soonish.
I am going to resume work on The Will To Live this month. And soon.
My basic plan is to treat Nerves of Steele as the primary priority, while The Will To Live and And There Was Another will be secondary priority, with me alternating between working on them. Eventually And There Was Another will be done, and then it’ll just be Nerves of Steele and The Will To Live for awhile. And then, eventually, Containment Breach.
Although I have to admit, I might not get to that this year. I feel like during May and about half of June I really had begun to make progress and claw my way back to consistency, but I lost a lot of ground I had regained over the last half of June. I’m struggling to maintain my composure at this point. Basically, if I can finish Nerves of Steele 1 and The Will To Live, and there’s time left before I need to begin working on Doom Episode Four, then I’ll write Containment Breach.
Now, as for an ‘other things’ roundup…
I relaunched Game Talk with a new one: State of Decay. Check it out. The next one, which covers the DLC and remaster of State of Decay, should be out soon. Then I intend to write up State of Decay 2, and the Heartland DLC.
My novelization of Gone Home is now available for the Kindle via a download directly from my site. Just head on over to this page and click that button that says DOWNLOAD KINDLE VERSION, and then take the file you get, hook your Kindle up to your computer via USB, then slip that file into the DOCUMENTS folder. And you’ll be able to read it on your Kindle! I plan on doing this for everything, but I want to give them one more edit before doing so, to polish them up a bit. Some will be easy, others…not so much. And yeah, I’m doing this for The Rookie Chronicles too. God help me.
Finally, I’m actually very close to finishing my first machinima to be posted on my new YouTube channel. It’s basically done, I just need to do some final touches. If you haven’t already, subscribe!
And that’s it. Wish me luck.