The Near Horizon | December 2019

November didn’t go as smoothly as I had hoped, though this time around I at least have a little bit more of an excuse. I ended up having to leave town for half a week to attend my mother’s wedding and watch her place while she went out of town. Being out of town means I can barely write, and even when I get back, it takes several days to fully recover.

I don’t travel well at all.

On top of that, shortly after recovering, I got really fucking ill. I caught the stomach flu and it laid me the fuck out. Easily the worst day of the year, and then I had to recover again for a completely different reason, as it really took it out of me.

To make matters worse, I’m sorry to report that my supplements are not as effective as I would have hoped in regards to my Seasonal Affective Disorder. Winter is here, it’s cold and gray most of the time now, it gets dark by goddamned 5PM, and I’m fucking drained. I’m doing what I can to help maximize my ability to fight it, but it is a fight, pretty much every day.

That was why I didn’t manage to get nearly as much done on The Will To Live as I had hoped. I’m also having some trouble writing for it because I’m kind of burned out on it and it also did not turn out the way I initially intended. I feel a little stuck, because it’s surprisingly popular for what it is, so I feel compelled to keep writing it. Unfortunately, I’m nowhere near the point where I can just power through it and wrap it up. I’m not even halfway done yet, and I don’t want to rush it, because that will just screw it up.

The good news is that now that December is here, I have officially begun pre-production on The DOOM Chronicles: Episode Three. I intend to plan it out and have several chapters written, edited, and ready to publish for my January 1st, 2020 launch date. I’m very much looking forward to this, and have been for months now. Putting it on hiatus for so long was ultimately a good idea, I think. Even if they pushed the release date of DOOM: Eternal back by four months. But at least we got a confirmed re-release of DOOM 64! That will definitely help with inspiration, since I’ve never actually played it all the way through before.

Although The DOOM Chronicles is now my main focus, I’ll be attempting to get work done on The Will To Live in the background until it is complete. I have no idea how long that will be. Just like last month, I intend to finish Part Two this month. I’m about at the halfway point. Honestly, I’d like to get the story wrapped up during the first few months of 2020, but that seems pretty unlikely, given how huge it’s gotten. I mean, it’s like 70,000 words right now and not even halfway done.

So yeah, that’s what I’ve got to say: More The Will To Live coming in December, and The DOOM Chronicles is being prepped for relaunch.

Also! I just made the Kindle version of See You at the Bottom available for download! All you have to do is download the file by clicking the Download Kindle Version button, hook your Kindle up to your computer via USB, then drag and drop the file into the Documents folder on your Kindle, and that’s it!