The Near Horizon | October 2019

So…I’m back. For the most part.

First off, my S. A. Lusher WattPad account is gone. Everything has been deleted, up to and including the account itself. I’ve also gone through and removed The Shadow Wars from everywhere I had it available, save for the Kindle, so that I can enroll it in the Kindle Unlimited again.

So why aren’t they enrolled into the KU right now? Well, they would be, but I’ve run into a weird problem. Basically, there’s some kind of glitch that’s disallowing me from doing exactly that. I’ve contacted Amazon about it and hopefully the problem will be solved soon.

Now, fan fiction.

As per my Facebook post, I stepped back entirely from writing earlier this month due to a number of difficulties. The good news is that I’ve since started taking the supplement that’s supposed to help deal with my genetic mutation that causes depression and it WORKS. I wouldn’t call it a cure-all, but it’s definitely helping. So that’s nice.

I’ve been making progress on And There Was Another. Presently, there are just three more chapters to go. Well, technically, two chapters and an epilogue, but whatever. One of them is written, but not edited. I’m going to try and get this wrapped up as soon as possible. (How many times have I had to say that so far?)

At this point, it’s very obvious that I will not be able to finish The Will To Live AND Nerves of Steele Book 01, AND have time for The DOOM Chronicles in the three months that are left in 2019. If I was at the top of my game, maybe I could do it. But I’m hovering somewhere below the mid-tier of my game. On some days. It’s hard to gauge, to be honest. So this is what I’m going to do instead: finish And There Was Another, and then try to get as much done on The Will To Live as possible through October and November. December 1st is going to be a hard deadline for me. Once December 1st hits, I will go into The DOOM Chronicles mode.

I have so much content to help me now. I mean, first off, DOOM: Eternal will be out by then. Secondly, DOOM 1, 2, & 3 are out for the Xbox One and I already have them lined up and ready to go. Plus, I want to replay DOOM 2016. On top of that, we now have confirmation that DOOM 64 is being re-released for the Nintendo Switch in November, so hopefully that means it’ll come to Xbox One as well? It’d fucking better.

Even more so, I have some of the DOOM books, and the expertly written ‘The Plutonia Experiment’ by Mike MacDee. If you haven’t already, please, please go read Mike’s trilogy. It’s a diary-style narration that covers the original three episodes in DOOM, each from a different perspective, and it’s not only the best DOOM fan fiction I’ve ever found, it’s some of the best horror fiction I have ever read in my life. Everything I’ve ever written for DOOM is fucking nothing in the face of this guy’s work. I genuinely mean that. Go read it. (And then come back and keep reading The DOOM Chronicles.)

On the machinima front, I don’t really have anything to add unfortunately. I’ve gotten some preliminary work done on the treatment for Not Alone 3, but that’s about it. I’ve also sent out a few tentative requests to some YouTubers that I enjoy to see if they might be interested in providing a little bit of voice work. I doubt I’ll get any hits, since I know how insanely busy they must be most of the time dealing with their own projects, let alone helping someone else out, but hey, you never know!

And that’s about it. So, to summarize…

  • Finish And There Was Another ASAP.

  • Do as much work on The Will To Live between the end of And There Was Another and December 1st as possible.

  • Once December 1st hits, I will begin preparing for Episode Three of The DOOM Chronicles, which will launch on January 1st, 2020.

  • Once I begin working on Episode Three, I will continue working on The Will To Live and Nerves of Steele Book 01 in the background until both of them are complete, at which point I will shift all focus to Episode Three until completion.

  • I’ll also be working on Not Alone 3 in the background.

  • The Shadow Wars is going to be on the Kindle Unlimited as soon as I can get it there.

Not really sure what I’ll do after that. Maybe I’ll finally write Bishop’s Lament.